
Posts Tagged ‘weather’

I Smiled

Today, I was crossing the Glenn Jackson bridge from Washington to Oregon. It was a very hot day today with a clear blue sky. As I was in the bridge, I glanced to the East of the bridge and see a couple of sail boats. I had to take another look because I had never seen that before! Not from this bridge. Not on this river (Columbia).

I had to smile. It reminded me of all the times I saw Many, many sailboats all in the San Francisco Bay when I would cross the Golden Gate Bridge. Up there, sail boats crowd the bay at the first sign of spring and during the summer months. It’s a beautiful sight!

All these little memories of happier times and happier places make me smile.

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Rain, Wind, and Driving

I used to love rainy weather. Now, not so much. As I get older, it becomes a lot more difficult to be out in the rain. I don’t walk so well anymore. I use a cane with a quad tip on it because I lose my balance and tend to fall a lot so being out in the rain, walking in it, is not such a great idea. Then there’s the driving in it. 

I live in Oregon. It rains a lot here. People take the rain as if it were nothing to be cautious about. That’s not always so good. It tends to make them less careful out in the rain (same for snow when we get it). And this area, Portland-Vancouver, has really bad traffic. It’s much worse than anywhere I’ve driven, like the horrendous Los Angeles traffic. That’s a breeze compared to up here.  

Oregon Rain, photo by Corina Carrasco

The other day, I mentioned in a post that I don’t like driving over the Columbia River to see my daughter and the kids. That’s the only way to get there. Either I cross the river on the I-5 bridge or the Glenn L. Jackson (I-205). There are a couple of other bridges connecting Oregon and Washington but they are a couple of hours away and they are really bad (two very narrow lanes, one in each direction). The Glenn Jackson Bridge is nearest my home because I live east of the 205 so I go west 6 miles to get to the 205. The 5 is further west and more congested. The Glenn Jackson Bridge is wide, 8 lanes of traffic plus a 9-foot-wide pedestrian/cyclist span between the north and south vehicular traffic.  It’s not very long, only about 2.2 miles. However, it catches the wind and vehicles are tossed around like wads of foil. And you guess it, we get a lot of wind here. Even “light” winds can be treacherous on the bridge. Last week I crossed the bridge and it was so rainy and windy that no one was driving any faster than about 40 mph (the posted speed is 60). Cars were fish tailing and skidding. My own car, a light weight Prius, was swept out of my lane (3rd from the center) all the way to the center divider and back across to my la before I could regain control. 

So I hate driving in this rainy, windy weather.  

When I moved here in 2007, I was not in such poor physical or medical states so I didn’t mind moving to a rainy locale. But that was a long time ago. I get progressively worse and, in all honesty, the winters are also getting progressively worse here.  

I have more to say about driving. But it’s late and everyone is asleep and all the lights are out and Maya will be getting up and waking me in about four hours so I best end now and pick it up another time.  

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If we were having coffee, we would be at my daughter’s home in Vancouver, Washington. I came here before the weather turned so I wouldn’t be alone at home in Oregon when the series of storms arrived. I don’t do well during storms, all alone. I feel cutoff from everyone and everything. And if the power goes out, I would have no heat (I only have electric space heaters), no source of food or water or toilets! We are on well water here but the pump that brings up the water is electric so when the electricity goes out, we have no water. I don’t have snow tires or chains. And I live in a mobile home park that is private property and not plowed so we get truly cut off with no one able to come in or go out.

If we were having coffee, we would have a great view of the snow, either in the front of the house or the back, as there are lots of windows here. We currently have about 12 inches, at least. I haven’t been out in it because I don’t have any appropriate shoes or clothing so I am enjoying it from the warm indoors.

If we were having coffee, we would probably be seeing the grandkids loving being able to play outside in it. It’s a treat because we don’t get it often or even much.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that it was a good call to come here. Where I live, just 25 miles away, they have gotten ice and freezing rain more than snow. The power has been out there since Friday (it is Sunday as I type this) and trees are coming down all over. Many roads are blocked and the roads are extremely icy. So, good call!

If we were having coffee, you probably wouldn’t want to leave. It’s cold out there (about 24 degrees F or -4 degrees C). We are also under further storm warning until Monday afternoon. And then the melt will start, with a strong possibility of flooding where I live. It just doesn’t end, does it?

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have been enjoying the grandkids. Maya just turned 4 on the 9th and she is a Nana’s Girl. She doesn’t leave my side or my lap for very long. She even sleeps on top of my at night. The boys are 10 and 7 so they entertain themselves. Spencer, the younger one, comes to talk to me or show me things. Anderson stays to himself, outside or on his iPad. I’m going to try to engage them in a movie a little later. They’ll be home and out of school for a few more days, I’m sure.

If we were having coffee, I would be regretting not having brought my Fireball whiskey from home. It makes that coffee warmer and more delicious! Have you ever had Fireball? I hadn’t until about 8 years ago. Friends on Facebook were discussing it and how great it was. I asked my daughter what it was and if she had tried it. She filled me in and a couple of weeks later, she surprised me with a bottle of it. Now I try to have it on hand always but the last couple of years I only have it as a treat when I can save up the money for it!

It’s not a very interesting coffee share this week but it is what it is.

This was written as part of the blog linkup hosted by Natalie. You can find her post here and the linkup here if you choose to participate!

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I’ve been sort of quiet lately. At least the last few days and quieter than the past few weeks, anyway. Why? Well, let me whine!

On Thursday night, I lost my balance and took a fall in my living room, breaking my glasses and hurting my wrist. I use a cane to walk these days but I don’t normally use it inside the house so I lost my balance and went down before I could grab onto something. I am legally blind without correction so to function, I had to wear one pair of reader glasses over the other and that was not good enough for reading or typing so that was difficult. My older daughter took me to order new glasses on Friday after work but they won’t be in for two weeks so I am functioning with glued glasses. Crossing my fingers they last until my new glasses come in. And I’m being extra careful not to bump them or drop them or let the baby pull them off of me. So that has thrown me off kilter.

Then on Friday night, reaching for some cold medicine, I bumped into a knife I had carelessly left on the counter and it fell along my leg and grazed the inside of my ankle. Not too bad but it did draw some blood and it hurt quite a bit. It’s not much more than a scratch but now, three days later, it doesn’t look so great. I think it will require a doctor visit tomorrow. IF I can get to the doctor. You see, Mother Nature has decided to grace us with winter’s parting gift, a small snow storm which is over now but they say we’re getting more on Tuesday, most of the day! That means things will probably come to a standstill for a few days.

Wine! No, not. It’s actually not about wine but about booze and it’s more of a whine. I can’t stop thinking about what the dietitian told us at the diabetes class last December. Someone asked if there was anything we could drink or eat or do if our blood sugar was too high and we are not on insulin. She said to drink whiskey. She explained that it makes blood sugar drop and that there isn’t any sugar in it. Well! She must have forgotten that it’s not exactly great for diabetics to drink anything alcoholic. At least that’s what I understand. There was one man that sort of exemplifies what I think is dangerous about saying this to a group of diabetics. He said, “Well isn’t that great?! I had to stop drinking because of my diabetes and now I might have to start drinking again because of my diabetes!” Yup. Not a responsible thing for her to have said to us, and not in the way she said it.

More? I think that little snow storm is going to cause a lot of problems. For me, I am supposed to go to the bank to deposit a check (yay my first social security check arrived!) and I probably won’t get to go before the snow hits and I must pay some bills, like my electric bill so the heat stays on. And I am not really stocked with groceries. I have lots of canned goods so I won’t starve. My class at the hospital is on Tuesday and Thursday nights and it will most assuredly be canceled on Tuesday. If it goes on as scheduled on Thursday, I might still not be able to get to it. My car doesn’t have snow tires and more importantly, I am terrified of snow. I had a very bad experience driving in the snow and getting stranded with no one knowing where I was. So I won’t leave the house when it snows or when there is snow on the road. I know it won’t happen again, not right in town, but I just can’t force myself to do it.

Those are this week’s challenges. Aging and coming to terms with my limitations is a big part of it. Then there’s Mother Nature who likes to play with us every now and then.

Hoping your life is free of these little obstacles!


This is what I had to do to get through Thursday night and Friday.

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It’s almost over but today was Sunday. It was a good day. It didn’t rain. We’ve had endless days of rain. I can’t remember when the last day was that it didn’t rain. Today was dry and a lot warmer than it has been. I think we might have reached sixty degrees. It was so nice out, with the sun shining for a part of the day that the boys got in their swim suits and played with the hose, soaking themselves and everything around them, almost as if it had rained! How ironic.

They even convinced me to take them to the park for a short time (it didn’t take a lot of convincing). The problem was that they take so long to get ready and find their dry shoes that by the time they were ready, they had wasted almost an hour and darkness was right around the corner. We went anyway. By the time we got there (only about a five minute drive) the sun had begun to set so it was starting to get a bit chilly and they had not taken jackets so they played anyway, but not for too long before they got both cold and thirsty! Off we went to run a couple of my errands which I had postponed so they would have a little bit of park time. They were very good helpers. We were picking up and dropping off items for Buy Nothing and they were able to help me by walking up to the houses and grabbing my items. It saved me from having to struggle to get out of the car and hobble along with my cane. The drop off we did together because the house is on a street where traffic goes by way faster than the speed limit so I went with them.

They earned a treat and even though it was cold by then, they chose to get a slushy drink to share! Pretty cute, huh?


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Last week was particularly difficult as I watched hurricane Harvey and all of the damage it did to Texas. The day after the hurricane hit, I got a call from my mom (who was born and raised in Corpus Christi). She told me about a phone call she had gotten from my uncle. She and my uncle are half siblings. My uncles’s cousins lived in Houston. She told me that the cousin, her husband and four great grandchildren had drowned in the flood waters. It was sad to hear it and even more so because of the family connection. I think we all hoped and prayed that it wasn’t true. However, the next day, word came through the media. It was true. The woman who was my uncle’s cousin, Belia, her husband, and four great grandchildren had definitely drowned inside of their van while trying to flee to higher ground. Great, great sadness.

And then last Saturday a fire was started by a very foolish fifteen year old who threw a lit firecracker down a ravine in a heavily wooded (and dry because we have had no rain in three months) area. The entire region caught fire. If you aren’t familiar with the news, it is in the Columbia River Gorge, one of the most scenic and peaceful areas around. It is one of my favorite places to go. It has really grown in the four days since it began. The fire is near the watershed which supplies water to most of the Portland Metro area. If that goes, it  could be catastrophic for Portland. It’s so sad to see the pictures and to see the ash falling outside, as if it were snow. Then there is the air which is full of smoke and is causing hazardous air quality conditions.

It also seems that I am getting every single complication from my surgery that I could get. First there was the infection, then the sciatica (which I think is directly related to the surgery because I had to sit and lay down most of the time during the first three weeks post-op, which put pressure on the sciatic nerve. Now the latest is that it appears that I have developed an “incisional hernia,” which is most likely a result of carrying something that was too heavy during the post-op period. So now we’ll see if they decide that I need to have surgery to repair that. I am not looking forward to another surgery before the incision from the last surgery has even closed up completely. That’s actually how I discovered what I think is the hernia. The incision is still not closed. The opening is pretty small but it is still open. I noticed about a week ago that there was tissue protruding from the incision. Then over the weekend it was gone and I breathed a sigh of relief but then last night, it’s back. That’s when it hit me that the doctor warned that a hernia often develops in that kind of incision. So now I have to go in and get it checked out and go from there. Not too happy about that. I guess when the doctor said no lifting for six to eight weeks, I should have erred on the side of safety. I didn’t. I gave myself only the six weeks. Now there’s a problem.

So not good here. I guess you can understand that. I’m crossing my fingers that I’m wrong about the hernia!


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What a week this has been! Tuesday was my daughter’s birthday. Very late on Monday, she texted saying she and her boyfriend were thinking of a spur of the moment trip to the coast if I could stay with the boys. I agreed but warned her that we had snow in the forecast and she should research the weather and road conditions before decided to actually do it. She said she would. Famous last words.

I really didn’t think they would go but I made a mental list of things I needed to pack in case they did go. It was only one overnight so I didn’t need much and I’m a short walk away so I could grab the boys and walk home for whatever I forgot. Or we could drive but the boys love walking here and back so I figured we could do that. Then she said yes, they were going and leaving in just a couple of hours. I hadn’t packed because I didn’t think they’d go. So I rushed and drove over there thinking I would take the boys out to the Dollar Tree to get a few craft supplies besides the ones I took with me. They left and about twenty minutes later, she texted saying it was snowing lightly and that I should take the chance to get out to the store if I needed anything before it began to snow here. I looked out the window and realized that it was too late. In the twenty minutes since they had left, it had begun to snow and there was already almost an inch out there and the snow was coming fast and heavily and the wind was blowing. Spencer convinced me to get his snow clothes on and take him out on the driveway. Of course, he didn’t stop at the driveway and he made me follow him, trying to catch up with him. He was fast, even in the snow.


It snowed all night long. Heavily. And it snowed most of the day on Wednesday. And the wind blew. Before long, the news was reporting that it was a record snowfall for Portland. Downtown Portland, which gets an average of less than one day of snow per year and that snow is trace amounts got over a foot of snow! Up here, in the foothills, we usually get more than downtown but we got less this time, about seven inches outside my door. My youngest daughter lives about ten miles away and she measured thirteen inches out in her yard. So yeah, we got a lot of snow. On Wednesday afternoon, the boys and I walked to my house so I could get a change of clothes because Tina and Chris were not able to get home that day because of the weather. It was a great excuse for them to play in the snow. There were lots of other kids out playing in it, too. While they played in the front year, I ran in and filled a tote bag with things I needed and some treats for the boys. When it was time to make the walk home (I didn’t want them staying out in the cold too long and although the walk is only about a half mile, because of the depth of the snow, it would take us about ten minutes or more) we put the tote bag in a little plastic snow disk that I pulled behind me all the way home.


That was Wednesday. Today is Sunday. The snow is still all here. We haven’t been above freezing since then so it’s sill all here. When I tried to drive my car home on Thursday, I couldn’t get it to start. Apparently, the cold zapped my battery. We eventually got it going and I was able to get home driving along the tracks of other cars but when I got to my driveway, I couldn’t get in so Chris had to come and shovel my driveway so I could get in.

I haven’t left home since then. Not just because of the snow. You might remember that I have been having horrible back pain. My back finally gave out on me on Friday when I tried to get out of bed. After two days of it hurting so much that I couldn’t walk without my cane and even at that it would take me very literally eleven minutes to get to the bathroom, which is only less than fifteen feet away from my couch, I took to the Internet to see if I could diagnose my problem. I did. By then, the pain was not along my entire back. It was just on my left side and it was way low and radiating down my leg. I discovered that it is, most likely, sciatica. Since then I have been applying heat, taking leftover pain pills a couple of times a day (long enough so that I can get a little sleep which I can’t do without the pain pills) and trying to get through the pain. It is quite literally a pain in the butt! I’ve tried to write this post since Friday but haven’t been able to get in a position where I could open the laptop and type without severe pain. Today, however, I woke up with a little less pain! There is still a lot of weakness so I’m still having to rely on my cane to get around inside the house…both for walking and for grabbing things closer to me. I still cannot bend over or reach up without pain but I am not going to complain because, for now, it’s so much better! I’m hoping it will continue to be better so that I can walk around, inside because there is still seven inches of snow outside! Walking is supposed to help work the muscle that is causing the pain.

Now we are looking forward to a warm up in temperature AND heavy rain. That means the snow will melt and we will, most likely, have flooding. We haven’t flooded here where I live in the past and I am hoping that we don’t flood here now. The last time we had this much (and even more) snow was in 2008 and we didn’t flood, although the mobile home park just a quarter of a mile away from here did flood. Crossing fingers. Cross your for me, too, pleas.

I haven’t been able to read this week. I have watched TV, well DVDs. I pulled out my DVD copies of an old show that I really used to love. It’s called Once And Again. It’s a late 90’s ABC show about two divorced parents who meet at school while dropping off their kids and end up in a relationship, with all the problems caused by life, kids, and exes.  I’m hoping to maybe read today, after reading blogs. If the pain stays away, I can. If I don’t come around and read your blog, I apologize in advance. That probably will mean that the pain has returned.

What about you? What have you done this week? Has the weather effected you? What has been on your TV? Reading list? Please tell.


#WeekendCoffeeShare is a weekly blog link-up hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster. Please come over and check it out. We’re a friendly bunch and welcome you!











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I keep trying to find non grandchild smiles to share but kids are such a bounty of smiles that my post are usually inspired by them. And this week is no different.s

Last week, we were expecting (and got) a snow storm. We went out and about the day before, trying to get everything we might need during and after the storm. My daughter was driving (because she says I drive too slow) and the boys were in the back seat. The conversation drifted to the road conditions. My daughter noticed that it looked like the highway we live off of had been coated with de-icer. We were talking about the snow and ice and de-icing and the timing of the next day’s storm.

From the back seat came Anderson’s voice (he’s six). “Boy, I don’t want to go outside. I’m going to run inside when we get home and then I’m not going outside again.” We thought that was strange and my daughter asked him why that was.

“Because I don’t want to have anything sprayed on me so if I go outside I will turn into ice and I don’t want to turn into ice!”

Lots of smiles. Lots of laughter!

Christmas posts from the past that you might enjoy:

The Mighty Mo

O Christmas Tree

The #WeeklySmile is a blog link up hosted by Trent. Come check it out and share a smile with us.


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If we were having coffee on this Sunday we would definitely be indoors. While I would like it to be indoors with a window overlooking the still very white surroundings and a warm fireplace with a roaring fire, we probably wouldn’t be able to get there. Yup. The snow is still frozen. The tiny bit of melt that has occurred has refrozen in our sub freezing temperatures. We are supposed to get out of freezing today and tomorrow  we will have what they are calling a probable record rainfall so the snow will be giving way to rain puddles by this time tomorrow, most likely.

I don’t have a good feeling about this week. It should be a week to do last minute preparations and then sit and enjoy the season. I had wanted to sit with my grandsons and maybe make cookies and read to them and watch some Christmas movies but I haven’t seen them since Wednesday. Although they are about a quarter of a mile from me and I usually walk over there, the road here inside the mobile home park where we live is not maintained because it’s private property. That means that I can’t get out of my driveway in the car and the snow out there is so slippery that I can’t walk over there. Tomorrow should be better, even though it will be very wet, at least “better enough” to get over there to see the boys.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading this week. At least for as long as I can. My vision is bad, well beyond bad. So I can’t read for very long before my eyes blur and burn so I have to read in short spurts. I’ve also streamed some movies. I usually go to my tried and true favorites. I watched all of my favorite Christmas movies already. I’ve also watched Divine Secrets Of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood about three times this week and Practical Magic about four times. I’ve watched Serendipity five times. I did do some streaming of new to me titles. I found a show on Netflix that I would recommend. It’s called The Fosters. It’s a show about a family made up of two lesbian women and their children. One of the children is the biological son of one of the women who is a divorced police woman. Two children are adopted, and two others are foster children. There is also the ex-husband of the police woman who is also a police officer and an alcoholic. There is drama and some laughs in the show which tackles a lot of situations that confront the family every day. I’m really enjoying season one.

Another thing I did this week was write about a “snow adventure” that happened in 2006. The memory was triggered by the near miss when my daughter’s car spun out on the snow and we hit a steel fence, barely missing the power pole. It was more than scary and reminded me why I really don’t like driving in the snow. The 2006 incident is posted in two parts. Neither post has gotten more than a handful of views. If you get a minute, head on over and take a look. You can find the posts here and here.

For the rest of this week, I will probably post very short posts which will include links to some of my past Christmas stories. I usually post one each day in December and haven’t done that this year so I will give myself a break from trying to come up with new things and link you to some Christmas memoirs which are special to me. Next Sunday I will post the story about the night I was born sixty-one Christmases ago! Yup, I turn sixty-one on Christmas Day! Hopefully you will come back here and read it!

What is the weather doing where you live? Are you ready for the week ahead? Are you spending time with family and enjoying the season? I sure hope so. Tell me what you’re up to. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Do you have a favorite holiday read?

Stay warm. Be jolly. Enjoy life.

#WeekendCoffeeShare is a weekly blog link up hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster Blog. Why not run over and take a look. There are a lot more coffee share posts to read!


Read the story that goes with this picture here.


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When I lived in southern California, I had a wonderful doctor. Dr. Cohen was our family doctor. He had been my doctor until he switched to family medicine and we all started seeing him. I loved going there. Once, when one of the kids was sick but not too sick, I just wasn’t sure about taking them in but I wasn’t comfortable doing nothing so I called his office and talked to the nurse. After conferring with the doctor, she told me to bring them in. When I got there, Dr. Cohen said that his staff had a standing order that if I called, get my kids in right away because I was not one of the mothers that ran to the doctor for any little cut, scrape, or cough. That made me feel good! Then there was the time that I sat in the waiting room for over an hour past my appointment time. He told the staff not to collect my deductible because my time was just as precious as his and he didn’t want me to have to pay for just sitting. Not many doctors do that!

In any case, he sold his practice and moved to Oregon around 1999. After that, I struggled with other doctors in the building. For those that don’t know, there are certain experiences in my past that make it very difficult for me to trust new people. It makes it very difficult to start a new doctor. I have a very difficult time having to disrobe at the doctor’s office, let alone letting them examine me. Then in 2002, I lost my health insurance so I didn’t see any doctors. That was bad because I am diabetic so my diabetes went untreated for years. I got over some other problems and moved to northern California in 2004. Finally, I got to thinking about finding Dr. Cohen. I got online and searched and finally found him. I called his office to make sure it was him and it was! He was practicing in a small town near Klamath Falls. I started working to save money to go see him then I made an appointment. It was crazy to drive fourteen hours to see a doctor but I knew that I had to because I wasn’t going to see a doctor otherwise. So the Monday after Thanksgiving, I rented a car from a friend who  had an Avis franchise and agreed to rent a car to me without a credit card. And I was off to Oregon!

The trip started out on a bad note. Although I had checked traffic and weather before leaving, when I got to Redding, the radio was reporting that there was a storm headed for southern Oregon. I hadn’t prepared for that so I didn’t even have a coat. I stopped in at a K-Mart in Redding and bought a hoodie. I didn’t have a lot of money with me and I had to save what I had for the motel I was staying in for a couple of nights, before and after my doctor visit. So that’s all I had. A hoodie, some cheapo non-weatherized boots, and myself. No gloves. No scarf. No hat. But for this California girl who had not been in the snow previously, it didn’t really grab my attention and off I headed for Oregon.

Then, as I was about five miles away from my gas stop in Yreka, I saw a CHP car coming fast from the other direction and I figured he was after someone. That’s when I realized that I had not checked my speed in a while. I was going 97 mph! Wow! He was after me! Sure enough, I got a speeding ticket and a lecture. The guy was nice though and wrote me up for going 85 so I could qualify for online traffic school. So that was something but if you have ever been pullled over by the police, you probably know that it leaves you shaky and breathless and maybe disoriented. So I stopped in Yreka and sat in the car for awhile then got out and went to Denny’s for coffee so I could just settle my nerves a bit. I didn’t want to stay too long because I had the Siskiyou summit to head over and that is always dicey. With the weather turning worse by the minute, I didn’t have too much time to settle my nerves before heading toward my destination for the night, Ashland.

By the time I got up to the summit the weather had really changed. It was not only pitch black out but there were snow flurries and then snow all over the road. The big semi trucks were keeping the speed down to about 25 mph. Just as I got almost down the mountains, I could see the Oregon State Patrol behind me. Not after me this time. They had closed the road behind me. I was the last car through. I got  into Ashland and warmed up in my motel room and relaxed a bit. There was no snow there yet. After an hour or so, I looked out the window and realized it was snowing. I was so excited! I hadn’t ever seen it snow!. So I got bundled up (in my hoodie and cheap boots) and headed outside. I took a walk in the fresh snow. It was beautiful. There was no one out, even though it wasn’t very late (about 9 pm).It was calm. It was silent except for the sound of my feet crunching the freshly fallen snow. It was beautiful. I was only out for about ten minutes then I went back inside. The next day I was heading for Klamath Falls so I settled in for the night, watching a bit of TV and working on my NaNoWriMo novel.

That’s the set up. Come back for part 2 and read about Corina against the life threatening elements.

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