
Posts Tagged ‘#weekendcoffeeshare’

If we were having coffee, I would be out of sorts and once we got settled and comfy, I would probably start telling you about my favorite aunt, Joy.

When I was little, around four, my uncle who lived with us, got a new girlfriend that lived down the street from us. He met her when my mom sent him to Maio’s Market, on the corner, for a dinner ingredient. When we walked by the house where Joy lived, she was outside. That was the beginning of a year sixty year marriage. He brought her to the house to meet us and to meet my mom. My mom was ten years older than my uncle and had practically raised him as she cared for him when my grandmother was at work. So she was very protective of her little brother. Aunt Joy and my mom didn’t get along at first and even once they came to appreciate each other and truly care for one another, there were some rough times, mostly due to “boundaries” perceived and real.

I felt a special bond with her, even in the early days. My middle name is Joy and when I found out that her real name was not Joy, I asked her why she used that as her name. She answered that she hated her given name, Jovita. And one day, while washing dishes as part of her chores, she looked at the bottle of dish washing liquid and decided she would from then on be called Joy, like the soap.

I really liked Aunt Joy. I would go visit her, even before they were married. And I kind of shadowed her when she came to visit my uncle. Later, she took very good care of us, driving across town when my mother was in the hospital and I was having a lot of pain. She helped me and brought medicine and stayed until I felt better and my brothers were home from school.

When I went to college and my parents moved from San Jose in California to Orange County, I spent a lot of time with my aunt. They lived about a half hour from Palo Alto where I attended college. I spent weekends with them and holidays. That’s when she taught me one of the most important things in my life. Volunteering. I went along with her to deliver cupcakes or cookies to my cousins’ classrooms for their parties. I learned about Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts and going on field trips with the kids’ classes. I went along with her to help at church craft fairs and other fundraisers. I asked her once why she did all of that. My mom hadn’t done any of that so it seemed different to me. She explained that we always have a duty to help out whenever we can, especially with schools and youth groups and churches because they don’t have a lot of money or a lot of help. That stayed with me and when I became a mom, I started volunteering as soon as my kids got to pre-school. I never stopped. Class mom, field trip chaperone, den mother for Cub Scouts, troop leader for Girl Scouts. Fundraising chair at the elementary school. PTA president. Foundation President. I still volunteer (well not since the pandemic shut everything and everyone down last March) at the grandkids’ schools.

She taught me so much. She was like a second mom. I’ve always thought of her as one of the five most influential people in my life.

She died yesterday.

I am deeply saddened. I cannot be there to honor her or memorialize her as I am very high risk and not vaccinated yet. It would be too big of a risk. And then there is the money involved. So I can’t. Instead, I will share with others, as I’ve shared here with you. I’ll continue to sip my tea and think about her and just talk to her spirit.

For more #weekendcoffeeshare posts, please visit Natalie the Explorer and, if you are so inclined, please write your own coffee share post and link up here.

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If we were having coffee, we would be at my daughter’s home in Vancouver, Washington. I came here before the weather turned so I wouldn’t be alone at home in Oregon when the series of storms arrived. I don’t do well during storms, all alone. I feel cutoff from everyone and everything. And if the power goes out, I would have no heat (I only have electric space heaters), no source of food or water or toilets! We are on well water here but the pump that brings up the water is electric so when the electricity goes out, we have no water. I don’t have snow tires or chains. And I live in a mobile home park that is private property and not plowed so we get truly cut off with no one able to come in or go out.

If we were having coffee, we would have a great view of the snow, either in the front of the house or the back, as there are lots of windows here. We currently have about 12 inches, at least. I haven’t been out in it because I don’t have any appropriate shoes or clothing so I am enjoying it from the warm indoors.

If we were having coffee, we would probably be seeing the grandkids loving being able to play outside in it. It’s a treat because we don’t get it often or even much.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that it was a good call to come here. Where I live, just 25 miles away, they have gotten ice and freezing rain more than snow. The power has been out there since Friday (it is Sunday as I type this) and trees are coming down all over. Many roads are blocked and the roads are extremely icy. So, good call!

If we were having coffee, you probably wouldn’t want to leave. It’s cold out there (about 24 degrees F or -4 degrees C). We are also under further storm warning until Monday afternoon. And then the melt will start, with a strong possibility of flooding where I live. It just doesn’t end, does it?

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have been enjoying the grandkids. Maya just turned 4 on the 9th and she is a Nana’s Girl. She doesn’t leave my side or my lap for very long. She even sleeps on top of my at night. The boys are 10 and 7 so they entertain themselves. Spencer, the younger one, comes to talk to me or show me things. Anderson stays to himself, outside or on his iPad. I’m going to try to engage them in a movie a little later. They’ll be home and out of school for a few more days, I’m sure.

If we were having coffee, I would be regretting not having brought my Fireball whiskey from home. It makes that coffee warmer and more delicious! Have you ever had Fireball? I hadn’t until about 8 years ago. Friends on Facebook were discussing it and how great it was. I asked my daughter what it was and if she had tried it. She filled me in and a couple of weeks later, she surprised me with a bottle of it. Now I try to have it on hand always but the last couple of years I only have it as a treat when I can save up the money for it!

It’s not a very interesting coffee share this week but it is what it is.

This was written as part of the blog linkup hosted by Natalie. You can find her post here and the linkup here if you choose to participate!

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That week flew by for me. How about you?

My reading has slowed down a  bit. I am waiting for a couple of digital library holds to come in and haven’t really decided what to read next. I have tons of unread titles on my Kindle but haven’t looked for the next title. I am reading one book which was described as a cozy mystery with lots of humor. Boy was that wrong! I haven’t found any humor in it at all. There is certainly a lot of action but it has gotten to the point where, at 37% of the text, it could have ended at least twice but hasn’t. They keep finding another bump in the storyline that keeps it going. Not sure if I will invest much more time in it.

I’ve  been watching more TV. I streamed the entire sixth season of Call the Midwife this week. I also finished streaming The West Wing for the sixth time this calendar year (all seven seasons) and all of the Gilmore Girls. I watched a few movies that I have seen before so the attention requirement wasn’t too great. I also watched all three seasons of Madam Secretary and am ready for season four to begin next week!

The current medical problem seems to be my feet. Or my foot to be exact. The doctor is assuming that it is sciatica related because it began with the sciatica (a few days after the initial attack in August) and is on the same side. However, I’m beginning to think it may be something else. When I see my primary care physician in two weeks, I am asking for a referral to a podiatrist. There is no visible injury or condition but when I put any kind of pressure on it, as in to take a step, it feels like I am stepping on something or like there is something inside of my foot (the ball of my foot) that is growing in there. Nothing is in there that the doctor or I can feel or see. And it has now spread to my toes. It is now so painful that I can’t sleep at night because the slightest touch of anything hurts. Sheet on my feet? Ow! I can’t wear regular shoes. I am having to wear slippers or my old sherpa lined Crocs. I found last night that if I put on some of those fuzzy slipper socks, the pain is not as great and I can sleep. So it’s a mystery. I’m afraid it could be nerve damage but I don’t know. And it’s hard to describe.

I am going to physical therapy for my sciatica and it is helping. I have two more visits and then we wait for authorization for more visits. I might not need too many more, I’m hoping.

Blogging. I miss doing it more often and am hoping that I will be able to concentrate for longer periods and find a comfortable sitting position for blogging. Right now I am just using my smart phone for everything and that’s not the best. I’m hoping that this week I will be able to find a comfy position/place to blog from my laptop. Wish me luck! I am also missing a lot of the Weekend Coffee Share people as Diana takes a break while she decides what to do with her blog. I also miss other people from the blogging world. Hopefully I will be able to find them again soon.

That’s it for now. I have a few errands to run on this cold, overcast, and somewhat rainy day then I am babysitting for a couple of hours. Hopefully it is only a couple of hours. She never tells me how long. I am going to have to start having her tell me how long and stick to it. Otherwise she says “awhile” and it turns into five or six hours!

Tell me what is up with you. I’m tagging this as a weekend coffee share in hopes that some of you will search for that and find me.

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It’s Saturday; the weekend. Time to come together for a chat. Today I am drinking coffee from Kauai. I wish I were enjoying it in Kauai but such is life!

What’s here? AUTUMN. I usually hate the switch from summer to autumn but this year has been the longest, hottest, most miserable summer and I am ready for cooler temperatures and some rain. We haven’t had rain since April and for Portland, that’s very unusual. We are supposed to have a BIG rain tomorrow. They are saying more than an inch and a half in twenty-four hours. I hope they are right. It will help with all of the fires in the rain’s path and with our air quality.

Last night I had to run around the house and close all the windows and then this morning it got chilly enough inside to turn on the heater. We are supposed to go to an outdoor movie in the park this evening, the boys and I. I’m hoping the smoke isn’t too bad. I can smell it here as I sit and type (I just opened the window). But perhaps by the time it is movie and park time, it will have dissipated or maybe it will blow in a different direction.

School has started so I have had my second grade grandson here every day (I homeschool him). I am supposed to have another child for two days a week of school but she hasn’t come yet. I think this coming week will be when she joins us.

My daughter is at a vendor event today and tomorrow so I had the boys overnight and all day. Tomorrow I will also have the baby. Let’s see how I do. I still don’t have my strength or stamina back after surgery and am still not supposed to be bending or lifting a 22 pound baby but you know how family is. They forget all of that when they need you and it is really hard for me to say no. So we shall see how we all do.

Spencer began preschool this week. The first day was great and he came home with a smile but the rest of the week he cried when his mommy walked him out to the bus. He likes riding the bus to and from, though. It makes him feel like a big boy!  I am hoping he takes to it soon. It’s so difficult to watch him cry as he leaves and his little head, barely tall enough to peak over the window, is down and I know he’s crying. Awww!

I’ve read some interesting books lately. I think I might review them on the blog later in the week as I need to write my amazon and my goodreads reviews. I will say that I was very impressed with The Designer by Marius Gabriel. It is one of this month’s Kindle First Reads, which are free to Amazon Prime members. One of the perks of having Prime. It won’t be released until October 1 but you can grab it now if you head over to Amazon.

I’m currently reading Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson and it looks quite good (I’m just at 30%). I borrowed it from the library so I have to get busy and finish it.

That’s about all that is going on here. What is your weather like? Has the season changed yet? Have you taken any trips? Read books? Watched a movie? Let me know. I sometimes get ideas for books to read and movies to watch from my readers. Keep the suggestions coming!

#WeekendCoffeeShare is a weekly blog linkup hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster Blog. I will come back and link when the link is up!


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If we were having coffee, I might not be a very good hostess as I’ve been glued to the TV and Internet for news of hurricane Harvey which is, as I type this at 2 am on the 26th, pummeling the Texas Gulf Coast. I wish the Weather Guys were wrong. They’ve been saying that this will be the worst hurricane to hit American land in the past fifteen years. They say it is going to prove to be worse than Katrina and most of us remember how bad that was. Most of us remember how the destruction remained long after the storm died.

So grab yourself some coffee. I’m actually having decaf because I need to sleep in a bit so I can get up by seven, but if you’re game for the real thing, grab it. For a long time I resisted getting a Keurig (single cup brewer) because of the waste which was not recyclable and because it turns out to be more expensive than ground coffee. However, my daughter was gifted a new Keurig a couple of months ago and she gave me her old one. I had noticed that they now make the single cups recyclable and some can be composted. We went to Grocery Outlet (in case you don’t have those, it’s a chain that offers groceries at outlet prices and they aren’t seconds or expired, just good bargains. I found a number of different coffee choices for the Keurig that are affordable and come in recyclable cups. I only get them if the price breaks down to about forty-five cents a cup. Currently, you can choose from a medium roast grown in Kauai, some French Vanilla, salted caramel, Columbian dark roast, and a few others.

For those of you that have been following my recovery from abdominal surgery, I’m still not back to normal and it has been five weeks. The whole thing has been complicated by sciatica which has been with me for two weeks and won’t go away. It is much better than it was the first couple of days but it won’t go away. I suspect that it has a lot to do with my limited mobility and with the fact that I’m not walking as I normally do as the incision is bruised on the inside and I’m kind of limping. But it is better. I’m really tired of being sick. I can hardly wait to get to my normal state. I’m able to bend over without pain but I’m limiting the instances for another week as instructed by the doctor. So it’s better but far from good.

How many of you got to see the total solar eclipse that graced the United States last Monday? I got to see it but I was twelve miles from totality so I didn’t get to see the full thing, only about 99%. I watched from my front yard but was feeling particularly weak that day so I didn’t stay out the entire time. I just went out a few times. I want to experience totality. I really do. My niece is planning on taking her family to Argentina for the one in 2019 and has invited me. I don’t think I will be able to save the money by then but it sure would be fantastic! The next opportunity will be in 2024. I’m hoping to find a friend or family member that I can stay with in or very near the path of totality. I have lots of family in Texas (one of the reasons I’ve been glued to the reports about Harvey). And a lot of my friends, both real and virtual, live in the path so maybe someone will invite me. That would be much more doable for me.

Harvey. It hit land on Friday night. Corpus Christi was hit hard. That’s where my maternal grandmother lived all of her life. It’s where I almost moved to ten years ago. When my grandma died in 2007, my two uncles and my mom sold her house and split the money three ways. At that time, I had the cash minus about three thousand dollars. I was also looking for a place to move to as California had gotten way too expensive for me. I liked the idea of Corpus Christi because of family ties and because it’s right on the coast and I love being near the water (not in it, I don’t swim). And I loved the idea of owning my own home. However, three things kept me from doing it. First and foremost was the fear of being in a hurricane. I wouldn’t know how to prepare the house or myself for an approaching storm and I didn’t know anyone near there. Then there was the part about being far from my kids but I knew that could be remedied by air travel. The last obstacle was that I didn’t want anyone (the cousins) to think that I was trying to get the house for less than someone else would pay for it. I knew that my uncles and my mom would have agreed to let me have the house and pay them the remaining three thousand dollars within a year or two but I didn’t want anyone to say I was trying to get it for less. All in all, I guess it was a good decision not to move there but I often think what it would have been like if I had moved there.

I worry about the cousins and an elderly uncle that are all in the impacted area, namely Corpus Christi, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and other small cities in the area. I also worry about my friends, many of whom I consider family even though I’ve never met them in person. I hope and pray that they will all come through this hurricane safely. I’ve lost too many people and I don’t want to lose anyone else.

I’ve been reading but not as much as I had been reading. I think it’s because I haven’t found anything I really want to read right now. I have a lot of books on my Kindle (like over two thousand) so I will read something from those titles. There are some newer books I would like to read but there’s no money for them right now. I have a couple of books on hold through the library as I recently discovered how I can borrow digital copies of books! Hopefully one of my holds will be available in the next couple of days. What are YOU reading?

Well, I had better get going. I have to get to sleep and then get up in less than five hours. My daughter and I are taking the boys to get a backpack with school supplies which is being gifted to low income kids by our Gleaners group. This year there’s no money for school supplies or for a backpack for Spencer (Anderson doesn’t need one) so it’s a good thing we have this giveaway available to us, even though we have to be there early and will, most likely, end up waiting in a long line. Whatever they get will be much appreciated by the boys and by their grownups. I usually have a lot of school supplies because I buy when they go on sale and clearance but I haven’t bought any in a couple of years and we’ve gone through most everything.

Oh! I forgot. On Sunday I get to see my grandson, Mati, who lives in Seattle. They are up here for a rafting trip and are going to meet up with us on Sunday before they head back to Seattle. It will be the first time all four of my grandchildren will be together in one place. Picture time!

Anyway, I’ll call it a post and finish up by asking you to hold good thoughts and prayers for those impacted by hurricane Harvey.

#WeekendCoffeeShare is a weekly blog linkup hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster Blog. Go check it out and see what else everyone is doing. Maybe you’ll want to write your own coffee share post!

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If we were having coffee, I would be embarrassed that, for the third week in a row, you would find me on the couch in pjs.  I wouldn’t be able to move very well so you would have to, again, help yourself to coffee, tea, and maybe some fresh fruit.

This has been a heck of a week. I think I previously wrote that part of my incision got infected. That was discovered on Monday and I was put on an antibiotic. That evening when my daughter was on her way to pick me up for the pharmacy trip, my four year old grandson and I were attacked by a swarm of wasps. It took about five very long minutes to get them off of him and me. Poor little guy got about twelve stings and four stingers left in place. Once the stingers were out, he seemed to be fine. Thank God he didn’t have an allergic reaction! I got three stings. One of them still aches now, almost a full week later. Then on Thursday morning I awoke to find my pjs and sheets completely soaked. It was kind of like that scene in The Godfather where the studio head wakes up to find blood all over his bed, without the screaming, though. It turned out that the infected part of the incision had opened up and was draining what I can only describe as “yucky stuff.” Every time I moved more would come, like a stream not a slow drip.

Later that day, the doctor cut open the incision and cleaned out as much yucky stuff as he could and packed it for me. The instructions were to keep packing it at home three times a day then go back in a week so he can see if the infection was clear. My problem is that I can’t pack it myself. It’s in the breast bone area and I can’t get a good look at it, even in the mirror. So my son-in-law has been doing it but he can’t get here more than twice a day so that probably means that it will take longer to heal than if he could do it three times a day but I am grateful that he can do it at all, even though it is embarrassing to have your son-in-law look at that area of my body!

Then on Friday I woke up about two in the morning with a horrible pain in my back which quickly migrated and intensified to the point where I knew it was sciatica. I’ve had it before so I knew the pain. This time, however, it was so painful that I couldn’t move even an inch without the pain being at screaming level and I do have a very high thresh hold for pain but this was pure agony. I live alone so I suffered here by myself, hoping it would get better but by the mid afternoon I called my primary care physician’s office. Unfortunately the office was closed (two hours earlier than usual). The on call doctor could only advise that I go to Urgent Care. By the time I could get a ride over to Urgent Care, the pain had intensified to the point where I was hyperventilating from the pain.

At Urgent Care, I got a prescription for a muscle relaxant. I already had pain pills from before which I had been taking throughout the day. There were other things they might have been able to do but couldn’t because I am diabetic (can’t take steroid) and post operative so that kind of tied the doctor’s hands. Luckily, the muscle relaxant worked and has continued to work through the weekend. The pain is there but it is very manageable, although I have had short periods of it being almost unbearable. The trick is to keep taking the muscle relaxant, I think. I’ll have to make a trip to my primary care physician on Monday so I can get more of the muscle relaxant as the Urgent Care doctor only gave me enough through the weekend. So hopefully I can get someone to take me.

Other than that, I am very sore from the incision that had to be opened up. That means that at times I am having to ambulate with two canes, one in each hand. I’m pretty much staying in bed. Thank goodness I have lots of books loaded on my Kindle and I can stream stuff on TV as long as I don’t lose track of the remotes! Last night I tried to get up and do a little bit of tidying up, clearing my bedside tray and fixing something to eat. I think that activity is what made the sciatica flare up overnight. I guess today I try not to do as much, not that I did much, but you know!

So how have you been? I hope you are all well and not having any pain or any kind of medical problems. It really isn’t fun. Let me know what has been on your reading list this week. Have you watched anything interesting? Have been outdoors much? Please share with this girl that has not been able to leave the house other than to the doctor and urgent care. Let me live vicariously through you! Tell me something good!

#WeekendCoffeeShare is hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster Blog. Go check it out!

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If we were having coffee this morning, we would be in the 13th floor of the hospital in room 30 where I am recovering from surgery.  The great news? 

I have no cancer. They found that the “tumor” was actually a huge gallstone which was hard as  a rock!  The part that was in my liver was an inflammation from the gallbladder situation. So they pulled out the gallbladder and cleaned a lot of abscesses that they found throughout the abdomen. I have 3 incisions. No chemo port because I “ain’t gonna need it!” I will be here for 3 to 5 days. Lots of pain. But I can handle it. 

Thank you all for the support and prayers and for being here with me.  Going to cut this short because I’m writing it on my phone and it’s also time to find my magic button did the pain medication. 

#WeekendCoffeeShare is hosted by Diana at Parttimemonsterblog. Go check it out!  (I can’t seem to link this to the bloghop but ilk see if I can get Diana to link if for me.)

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If we were having coffee, I would try to be chipper but I would have to cut it short as I’m not in the best spirits these days.

As many of you know, doctors found a large tumor in my gall bladder seven weeks ago. Upon further examination, they’ve seen that a portion of the tumor is also in my liver and there is a good chance that it is in my colon, as well. I have had test after test and they keep coming back benign but what they see on the CT scan says it’s malignant. I didn’t understand what they meant by “what they see and how it is acting” until I read the latest CT scan report in MyChart. What they are going by is how it is effecting the tissue around it and by “gas bubbles” and other stuff I don’t really understand yet. I kind of lost it when I read that and the word “metastasized.”

I see the surgeon Monday afternoon and I am pretty sure they have my full file now, including the reports from my surgery two years ago in which they found a borderline malignancy in an ovarian cyst which was removed. I think, and I hope, that tomorrow we will have a much better picture of what is going on and a treatment plan. I’m very nervous and very anxious. I am often near tears these days but I’m one of those people that doesn’t let herself cry so it’s all inside.

Today I will spend the rest of the day with Anderson and Spencer and Maya and we’ll probably go for some ice cream because it’s National Ice Cream Day here in the U.S. and lots of places are giving out free ice cream cones! The weather is nice enough for ice cream. I haven’t taken them to the park since before the fourth of July and I usually take them every day. So maybe a park trip is in the works, too.

I’ve been spending a lot of time reading. I can’t concentrate to write or watch TV so I read. I am trying to read all of the Gabriel Allon series by Daniel Silva.  There are currently seventeen titles and I’ve read six. I had some in my Kindle library and I’ve recently discovered how to borrow digital books from the library so now I’m in business! If you’re looking for a great spy thriller, this might be the series for you.

In any case, I have been horrible about keeping up with everyone’s blogs. I read a lot of them but I read on my phone and I have fat fingers so it’s difficult to comment. I end up liking a lot of posts. I will try to be better about it; maybe I’ll start carrying my tablet with me which will work if there is Wi-Fi at the doctor’s office and other buildings.

In the meantime, if you are so inclined, I am needing a lot of virtual hugs and positive thoughts/energy these days. Please send them my way.

#WeekendCoffeeShare is hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster. Go check it out and you’ll find a lot more shares. Maybe you will want to write one.

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If we were having coffee, we could actually choose to sit inside or out. The weather isn’t too bad. The sky is a bit gray but it’s not cold. Or wet. We’re currently in the low 60’s and the air out is nice and fresh. So where would you lie to sit?

There hasn’t been much going on here, then again there has. With the better weather, the boys have been wanting to go to the park every day and I am the designated “park taker” so we’ve been visiting two and three parks a day each day this week. We take a picnic lunch or a snack with us and that’s part of the routine. They like eating at the park then playing. I have dusted off and charged my Kindle and have been taking it with me so I can read a little while they play. I read two or three pages then stop to check on the boys. It’s slow going but we’re all happy and I actually got to read a whole book this week and have started a second. I hadn’t done any reading since January so I’m glad to get back to it, even if it is not as much reading as I would like to do.

The news this week was an update on my medical tests.  The good news is that all of the samples came back as benign! Yay! However (yes, there’s a however), the doctor was really puzzled because the growth he observed was very suspicious looking. He asked if I had noticed any pain in the area. I thought it was on the left side and I said no. I have had an awful lot of pain on the right side but not the left. That’s when he said the growth is on the right side, just below my rib cage. That’s exactly where the pain has been. It has been excruciating and has been there for over a year. In the past couple of months though, it has all but disappeared. I only get in a couple of times a week and it isn’t as bad as it has been and only lasts an hour or two. So we are doing a CT scan to see if we can determine what the growth is and what is going on. At least we know it is not malignant. Now I’m waiting for the authorization to go through for the CT scan.

As for getting used to the insulin, it’s coming along. I’ve gotten good at avoiding most of the lows but still have a few which I am getting good at anticipating. I’m not great with food yet. I tend to be eating the same thing over and over because it works. However, I need to find some different things to eat that will still work well with the insulin injections. I’m hopeful that will happen soon.

Not a lot going on here. The book I read this week is excellent. It isn’t one I would normally pick up but it was highly recommended and I got it on sale. I actually had it on my Kindle for over a year before I began to read it. It’s a post-apocalyptic novel, which I don’t normally read. The Girl With All the Gifts by M. R. Carey is excellent. I do recommend it. You might be surprised, even if it isn’t a genre you would normally pick up.

What are you up to? Books? Movies? Please do tell.

#WeekendCoffeeShare is hosted by Emily at Nerd In the Brain. Go on over and take a look at the other coffee share posts!


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Come on in for a cup of something. I haven’t managed to get up for coffee yet. I’m moving slow today. It’s a bit brisk outside and inside so I’m under blankets, but come on it and I’ll grab a blanket for you and we can chat.

When I last wrote this week, I was having a lot of trouble with the medication I was given for diabetes. It wasn’t working and I was falling apart. I ended up getting an appointment for Wednesday. Apparently, my body has stopped making its own insulin so they put me on insulin. The doctor explained that the metformin I was taking doesn’t make the body produce any insulin, it just helps the body utilize the insulin being produced. With no insulin at all, the medication wasn’t doing anything. So now I am insulin dependent. They started with the lowest does and will increase it gradually. I go again on the 19th.

This past week was a little busier than in the past few weeks, mostly because of Spencer’s 4th birthday on Monday and the doctor appointments I had. Yesterday was also the memorial for my friend Peggie. I’m glad I went. I met all her family…most of which are former in-laws and a few former co-workers. It was a wonderful testament to who she was. I will add that she was the type of person that made friends with everyone immediately. The service yesterday was attended not only by family, but also by her gardener and her mailman! I’m so lucky to have known her.

I am currently reading (not very often) My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  I haven’t read more than about five chapters but I like it. Have you read anything you’d recommend?  I’ve also gone through the entire six seasons of Parenthood in the past week. You? What are you watching?

Well, I am cutting it short. I have very little energy. I’m hoping that will change when they find the right dose of insulin for me.

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