
Posts Tagged ‘busy’

Saturday Once More

So many Saturdays have passed without me posting. So have the other days of the week. To say that I have been busy or exhausted would be putting it mildly. Between my daughter’s errands, babysitting, my medical appointments and my errands, I’ve been having mostly 14 to 16 hour days. Way too much. No naps. I was used to napping, even for twenty or thirty minutes but not anymore. I’m hoping to change this after the first of the year. In fact, I rescheduled all of my doctor and physical therapy appointments for next week. The only one I couldn’t reschedule was with the dietitian. I’m starting a two month program on January 4th so I need to get in for one more  one-on-one visit before the CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) program starts.

Since I last blogged I got the nerve to say no to my daughter once and another time I let her know that she was being inconsiderate and taking advantage of me and she should come home. She had left me with the kids saying that she would be back in no more than two hours. Five hours later, she was still gone and wasn’t answering my texts so I started to just call her until she picked up.

You know how some people pick a “word of the year?” I did that a couple of years ago. I picked “create” but that was the year that I got sick, ended up in the ER, and then in surgery. That threw me off so I didn’t get to create much. Well, I think in 2018, as selfish as it may seem, my word will be “me.” I need to concentrate on me. At least try to. I know I will still be watching the kids and all that but I will also be trying to take care of me. That’s one of the reasons I agreed to enroll in the CHIP program. It’s about helping me to improve my health. I need to do that and no one is looking out for me so I need to do that.

Well, it’s almost four in the morning and I have not been to bed yet. I need to do that because I need to be up and out of the house by about nine at the latest.  However, I do mean to come back after my errands and catch you up a little more and I’d like to post links to my favorite Christmas stories. In fact, here’s one of them.

Cross your fingers I get back here in a few hours. Maybe not for you, but for me. Because I really need to get back home and do stuff here. I don’t even have the tree up yet. It’s going to be a small artificial one but at least I will have one and this year that’s important to me.

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That’s what I have to share. In fact, too much for what must be a quick to write post but if I wait until I have time to write a longer post, that will probably never come.

I’m so busy these days that I am getting all lost in the busyness and not enjoying the holiday season. I want just a couple of days to myself to wrap gifts and make lists and maybe make some tamales to share with the family. Just a couple of days. It seems I can’t catch my breath these days and when I have time I am just so exhausted that I don’t have the energy to focus on relaxing and enjoying and doing for me.

I hope that changes. I am trying to change it. I am starting the new year with a planner/journal. I haven’t done that in a long, long time. This one is called bullet journaling and it is new to me. I got my Happy Planner (mini) and a few (very few) accessories but I won’t start until the new year. In the meantime I want to figure out what sections I will put in it. Well, I think with bullet journaling they call them “collections” not sections or topics. I know I want to have a collection for tarot, gratitude, kids’ stuff, blogging ideas, and a section for my diabetes related stuff. I need to sit and plan it out and get some more refills, although I am thinking it may be more cost effective to get myself the paper punch and put together my own refills. We’ll see.

Diabetes. Several things. First, I got my A1c results back on Thursday and I am at a 7.1 which is super! 7.0 is target range for diabetics so I am excited to have made it to that number. And my insulin is working better now that I have learned to concentrate on the carbs I consume in relation to the insulin I inject. AND a big bonus: I finally got my one on one with the dietitian this past week and she asked me if I would be willing to try something different. It seems she has read a lot of articles that show that taking 1000 to 1200 grams of alpha lupeic acid can lower blood glucose, help with weight loss, AND help the pain from nerve damage. I said I would try it. The pain from the nerve damage is getting worse and if there is a chance that this will help, I will take it. The neat thing is that I only started taking it on Friday night and already it is having an affect on my glucose levels which means less insulin that I need to take which also means less weight gain (yes, insulin makes you gain weight). I had been gaining ten pounds  a month and that has to stop! I think this really might work! Yay!

There’s cute kiddo stuff to tell you about but I have to run again. I think we’re going to a Christmas program in just a bit and I’m not ready!

I hope you are all having a great holiday season and stopping, or at least pausing long enough, to enjoy it!

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I Forgot…Then Remembered

Well, it’s after 10 at night and I just realized that I didn’t post today.  It has been that kind of a weekend.  First exhaustion from a late night of babysitting and too many piggy back rides.  Then I had a guest blog post to write for Tuesday over at Part Time Monster.  And two lessons and assignments for the copy editing class.  Then I had to find my research for another guest blog post…research from years ago that is on my hard drive, but when I went to look, I realized that my monitor isn’t working.  So I can’t look for the research until I get another monitor tomorrow, hopefully.

Yup, that kind of a day.  So here I am trying to decide if I want to chill out and watch a movie or go to bed and read for awhile.  Probably, by the time I decide, it will be too late to do either.

Anyway, I guess I came up with a post!

The sky tonight!

The sky tonight!

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