
Posts Tagged ‘blogs’

Weekend Blog Posts

One thing I have noticed over the course of the past couple of years is that no one reads blogs on weekends.  I can have the best blog post on a Saturday or a Sunday but no one will see it because they just aren’t online on the weekend.  By the time they come back to blog reading on Monday, sometimes late Monday, there is already at least one more blog post so the Reader tends to read the most recent one and not the ones that posted over the weekend.

I can understand that kind of pattern but it seems that many times, my best posts are on the weekend, or perhaps not the best ones but the ones I want feedback on.  In the case of November, when I participate in NaBloPoMo, I have committed to posting EVERY day in November, including weekends.  I guess I can just post a picture or a re-post or maybe link to favorite blogs or YouTube videos on the weekend but somehow, I forget and I put up an “important” post then I realize that it’s Saturday and no one’s going to read it! 😦

Oh well, as you can see, I am not putting up anything of substance on this Sunday so you get my gibberish and mile rant.  Now I have to come up with something fantastic every day this week!

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